PT-2013-39: Improper Input Validation in Wonderware Information Server

Vulnerable software

Wonderware Information Server
Version 4.0 SP1, 4.5- Portal and 5.0- Portal

Application link:

Severity level

Severity level: Medium
Impact: Information Disclosure, Denial of Service
Access Vector: Local   

CVSS v2: 
Base Score: 6.3 
Vector: (AV:L/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:N/A:C)

CVE: CVE-2013-0686

Software description

Wonderware Information Server aggregates and presents plant performance metrics and production data to operations, maintenance and engineering personnel, via an easy to implement web solution. Wonderware Information Server as well as Wonderware Intouch HMI are the part of a unified solution for building ArchestrA System Platform SCADA- and HMI-systems. This solution is used by personnel of nuclear power plants, chemical plants and other critically important objects.

Vulnerability description

Positive Research Center experts have discovered "Improper Input Validation" vulnerability in Wonderware Information Server.

WIS allows access to local resources (files and internal resources) via unsafe parsing of XML external entities. By using specially crafted XML files, an attacker can cause WIS to send the contents of local or remote resources to the attacker’s server or cause a denial of service (DoS) of the system.

How to fix

Update your software up to the latest version.

Advisory status

16.12.2012 - Vendor gets vulnerability details
23.04.2013 - Vendor releases fixed version and details
10.06.2013 - Public disclosure


These vulnerabilities have discovered by Ilya Karpov, Timur Yunusov, Alexey Osipov, Positive Research Center (Positive Technologies Company)


Reports on the vulnerabilities previously discovered by Positive Research: