PT-2021-01: Encryption bypass when downloading a firmware update in Diebold-Nixdorf CMDv5

CMDv5 dispenser firmware (all versions up to and including 141128 1002 CD5_ATM.BTR + 170329 2332 CD5_ATM.FRM)


Severity level: High
Encryption bypass when downloading a firmware update in Diebold-Nixdorf CMDv5
Access Vector: Local

CVSS v3.0
Base Score: 6,8
Vector: (AV:P/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)

Vulnerability description:

With access to the dispenser controller USB port, an attacker can install an outdated or modified firmware version (with malicious content) to bypass the encryption and withdraw cash.

Advisory status:

07.2018 - Vendor notification date


The vulnerability was discovered by Vladimir Kononovich, Alexey Stennikov (independent researcher)